Monday, February 24, 2014



Psalm 73:1-3
            1 Truly God is good to Israel,
                        to those who are pure in heart.
            2 But as for me, my feet had almost stumbled,
                        my steps had nearly slipped.
            3 For I was envious of the arrogant
                        when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.

Have you struggled with the prosperity of those who do not love God? Have you wondered why even those who mistreat you seem to get away with it and do well? As they prosper, they become arrogant and demeaning toward believers. These kinds of feelings are not new at all. The psalmist makes observations about his struggle, in verses four through nine. There was a risk of turning against God.

Psalm 73:10-15
            10 Therefore his people turn back to them,
                        and find no fault in them.
            11 And they say, “How can God know?
                        Is there knowledge in the Most High?”
            12 Behold, these are the wicked;
                        always at ease, they increase in riches.
            13 All in vain have I kept my heart clean
                        and washed my hands in innocence.
            14 For all the day long I have been stricken
                        and rebuked every morning.
            15 If I had said, “I will speak thus,”
                        I would have betrayed the generation of your children.

The author expresses his thoughts: that he was wasting his time, that being faithful was almost not worth it. How easily we can get caught up with these subtle temptations to wonder if it is worth it to be honest, when the world is a place where dishonesty and arrogance are rewarded. When the wicked have the upper hand, how and where do we find help?

Psalm 73:16-17
            16 But when I thought how to understand this,
                        it seemed to me a wearisome task,
            17 until I went into the sanctuary of God;
                        then I discerned their end.

Left to our own thoughts, finding an explanation will be difficult and the more we dwell in human terms, the more bitter and discouraged we will become. WE MUST GO TO GOD! Only in His Word we will find help. Only by permeating our minds with eternal thoughts can we find peace.

I have struggled, as I watched dear friends, faithful to the Lord, become ill and suffer. I have had difficulty, as I watched believers lose their job and struggle financially because they would not participate in evil situations or lie for their superiors. I have also wondered why faithful servants of God have had to struggle through family difficulties and hurt. The author of this psalm had resolved to trust God.

Psalm 73:23-26
            23 Nevertheless, I am continually with you;
                        you hold my right hand.
            24 You guide me with your counsel,
                        and afterward you will receive me to glory.
            25 Whom have I in heaven but you?
                        And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you.
            26 My flesh and my heart may fail,
                        but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

The author does not look elsewhere for help. What a beautiful thought: that God is holding his right hand. He listens to God’s voice and knows that even if all in his earthly life fails, he will still be received in glory by God. His God is in heaven; no one else matters. Nothing is more important; earthly things do not attract his heart. He might lose all and even die, but he loves his God and there he will find his strength.

Dear friend, are you tempted to let the temporary overshadow the eternal? Your heavenly father is holding your hand, He is leading you home. And all during this journey home, He is transforming you more and more into the image of His son.

During dark times, many are tempted to meditate less upon God’s Word, and think more about the difficulties of life, or to spend more time alone, than with their brothers and sisters in Christ. Don’t do that! Don’t let the favorable circumstances or prosperity of the wicked rob you of the joy of holding the hand of God and the privilege of calling Him ‘Father’!

Psalm 73:27-28
            27 For behold, those who are far from you shall perish;
                        you put an end to everyone who is unfaithful to you.
            28 But for me it is good to be near God;
                        I have made the Lord GOD my refuge,
                        that I may tell of all your works.

The wicked will not prosper forever, and their end is sure! Will you and I, like the psalmist, wholeheartedly believe that what is good is to be near God? Even though we might face difficulties, God is not far. He is our only safe refuge and we must proclaim His goodness to all those around us.

Yes, it is very possible that today you will witness the reality of wicked people who prosper, but you can also live the reality of the loving care of your Father in heaven.

Monday, February 17, 2014



Psalm 72:1-4
            1 Give the king your justice, O God,
                        and your righteousness to the royal son!
            2 May he judge your people with righteousness,
                        and your poor with justice!
            3 Let the mountains bear prosperity for the people,
                        and the hills, in righteousness!
            4 May he defend the cause of the poor of the people,
                        give deliverance to the children of the needy,
                        and crush the oppressor!

This psalm, written for the crowning of Solomon, is rich with truths about God’s blessing on the son of David, but also speaks of the fulfillment of God’s promises to David and his kingdom. God had promised David that his kingdom would last forever.

2 Samuel 7:12-13
            When your days are fulfilled and you lie down with your fathers, I will raise up your offspring after you, who shall come from your body, and I will establish his kingdom. He shall build a house for my name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever.

God had promised to David that He would bless him, and we know that His promise will be completely fulfilled when Jesus Christ returns to earth in power and glory.

Isaiah 9:6-7
             For to us a child is born,
                        to us a son is given;
            and the government shall be upon his shoulder,
                        and his name shall be called
            Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
                        Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
             Of the increase of his government and of peace
                        there will be no end,
            on the throne of David and over his kingdom,
                        to establish it and to uphold it
            with justice and with righteousness
                        from this time forth and forevermore.
            The zeal of the LORD of hosts will do this.

As we read this psalm we are reminded of the glory of Solomon’s kingdom. He was wise like no one before, he was renowned and rich. But the culmination of this psalm is in the reign of Christ.

We have the privilege of knowing the eternal, perfect King, Jesus Christ. His reign is without flaw, nothing escapes Him, His purposes are eternal and righteous.

There are times when we are tempted to believe that the world is in chaos and that it is progressing without control or hope. Governments and political leaders seem to be controlling the future of the nations. Our taxes and injustices increase.   But, dear friends, read this psalm and rejoice because it is true. God’s purposes are being fulfilled, and we are simply too finite to understand His perfect work. Like the psalmist, we must trust in the work of God.

We depend on God to promote His justice, to protect the needy, and to provide for them.

Solomon had a great kingdom, but we rejoice in the perfect kingdom in which Christ will reign forever.

Psalm 72:5
            5 May they fear you while the sun endures,
                        and as long as the moon, throughout all generations!
We realize that most of the world does not recognize God as their King. He still reigns today, while men are oblivious of His precepts and promises, but one day every knee will bow before Him.

Psalm 72:11
            May all kings fall down before him,
                        all nations serve him!

Although our demeanor and behavior may sometimes fail to portray our assurance and trust in God, we do know and serve the King of kings; we know His character, His wisdom, His power and love.

Psalm 72:18-19
            18 Blessed be the LORD, the God of Israel,
                        who alone does wondrous things.
            19 Blessed be his glorious name forever;
                        may the whole earth be filled with his glory!
            Amen and Amen!

I am a child of the King, so why should I not rejoice in the blessing? My Father and King owns and controls all, so why should I ever fear? My Lord and King is wise in all He does, so why should I not submit in trust? My Shepherd and King provides for me daily, so why should I complain? My Friend and King walks with me, so why should I ever feel alone? My glorious King reigns forever. Why should I not worship?

May those around us learn about know God because we know Him. May our lives and testimony influence people to glorify our King!

Friday, February 14, 2014



Psalm 71:17-21
            17 O God, from my youth you have taught me,
                        and I still proclaim your wondrous deeds.
            18 So even to old age and gray hairs,
                        O God, do not forsake me,
            until I proclaim your might to another generation,
                        your power to all those to come.
            19 Your righteousness, O God,
                        reaches the high heavens.
            You who have done great things,
                        O God, who is like you?
            20 You who have made me see many troubles and calamities
                        will revive me again;
            from the depths of the earth
                        you will bring me up again.
            21 You will increase my greatness
                        and comfort me again.

God’s care for us begins before we are born and remains with us as when we grow old. When we were small we needed to be cared for, as we could not manage on our own; and when we are old, we become dependent on others for help again. Through it all, God is sovereignly, lovingly caring for us.

All we know about God is what He has revealed to us through His Word and the teaching of those who have studied it. And as we grow older, it is our duty to teach it to the next generation.

Have you stopped to reflect on how your testimony is effecting the next generation?

Are you too busy to spend time with your children /grandchildren, teaching them about God in all aspects of life?
Are you involved in your local church and living an example of one who loves to be taught?
Are you involved in a church where the Word of God is taught carefully for all ages?
Is your life an example of dedication and submission to God?
Are you praising God for the great things He has done for you?
When we fail, are we examples of repentance and change?

As we grow older, we build on the disciplines we have adopted as part of our lives. The way we meditate and study the Word of God affects the way we view our lives, which affects our attitudes and the way we praise our God.

Psalm 71:22-24
            22 I will also praise you with the harp
                        for your faithfulness, O my God;
            I will sing praises to you with the lyre,
                        O Holy One of Israel.
            23 My lips will shout for joy,
                        when I sing praises to you;
                        my soul also, which you have redeemed.
            24 And my tongue will talk of your righteous help all the day long,
            for they have been put to shame and disappointed
                        who sought to do me hurt.

The author reminds us of some of the reasons we should praise: for God’s faithfulness, for the Holiness that is His character, for His care of our souls by saving us, for His help and protection.

Dear friends, are you not amazed by God’s faithfulness? As I reflect on it, I realize that I have a relationship with Him only because He is faithful, for I have been so unfaithful. And this, even though He knew I would be ungrateful and sinful, despite His goodness and perfection.


How amazing it is, that a Holy and perfect God would want to have a relationship with man, with me! We cannot even understand the perfection of His character, for He is so different from us. God cannot do anything evil; His every judgment is perfect; His every action is meticulously planned and perfect in its purpose!


We have assurance of eternal life when we repent of our sins and trust only Christ, Who died and rose again on our behalf. We could have never saved ourselves, all we could offer God were sinful deeds driven by sinful motives. We lived for ourselves in utter rebelliousness, and God revived our spirit and drew us to Him!


God cares for us every instant of our lives. There is never a second of distraction, never a moment of imperfect love and protection. Every event is perfectly planned for our own good. All we encounter is sovereignly ordained to draw us closer to Him.


Since God began to care for us before the foundation of the world and will do the same for eternity, we should be praising children who sing, shout, and talk about our God all the time!

Monday, February 10, 2014



Psalm 71:1-3
            1 In you, O LORD, do I take refuge;
                        let me never be put to shame!
            2 In your righteousness deliver me and rescue me;
                        incline your ear to me, and save me!
            3 Be to me a rock of refuge,
                        to which I may continually come;
            you have given the command to save me,
                        for you are my rock and my fortress.

The writer of this psalm humbly approaches the LORD as his refuge and rescuer. His reliance on God is not something new, but a way of life for him. He relies on God’s promise to save him and will continue to come to Him.

Psalm 71:4-6
            4 Rescue me, O my God, from the hand of the wicked,
                        from the grasp of the unjust and cruel man.
            5 For You, O Lord, are my hope,
                        my trust, O LORD, from my youth.
            6 Upon You I have leaned from before my birth;
                        You are he who took me from my mother's womb.
            My praise is continually of You.

Difficulties have accompanied him through his life. Unjust and cruel men are always around, but his trust has been, since his youth, in the power of the LORD. He knew that God had been active in since conception.

What a wonderful thought, to know that God is our protector and was even caring for us before we were born. This amazing truth surely gives great assurance to all expectant parents. There are no mistakes; there is not one birth that was not part of God’s perfect plan. And as children grow up, through the many challenges of life, God is still continually involved and overseeing their care.

As I think of broken families and difficult situations, it is so reassuring to know that God is in control.  We all probably are aware of the heart-rending circumstances of children abandoned by their parents, or of times when an ungodly influence is affecting children we love. What a comfort it is, to know that as we pray, God has been and will be involved in those lives.

And as we grow older, it is also a great comfort to know that God continues to be lovingly aware of, and involved in the lives of those we love.

Psalm 71:7-11
            7 I have been as a portent to many,
                        but you are my strong refuge.
            8 My mouth is filled with your praise,
                        and with your glory all the day.
            9 Do not cast me off in the time of old age;
                        forsake me not when my strength is spent.
            10 For my enemies speak concerning me;
                        those who watch for my life consult together
            11 and say, “God has forsaken him;
                        pursue and seize him,
                        for there is none to deliver him.”

As the writer continues to reflect on his life, he recognizes that he will need God’s help even more, as his strength lessens in old age. He knows that for some, his difficulties are a sign that God has abandoned him; for others, his refuge in God is an encouragement.

Psalm 71:12-16
            12 O God, be not far from me;
                        O my God, make haste to help me!
            13 May my accusers be put to shame and consumed;
                        with scorn and disgrace may they be covered
                        who seek my hurt.
            14 But I will hope continually
                        and will praise you yet more and more.
            15 My mouth will tell of your righteous acts,
                        of your deeds of salvation all the day,
                        for their number is past my knowledge.
            16 With the mighty deeds of the Lord GOD I will come;
                        I will remind them of your righteousness, yours alone.

His hope continues to be in the Lord, his mouth will continue to be a testimony of God’s care. The author realizes that he cannot even think of the number of God’s works on his behalf throughout his life; all he knows is that he has received more than enough blessings to fill his words with praise all day long.

How wonderful it is to hear the lips of older people producing continuous proclamation and praise for their God! And how wonderful it is, to know that God’s care of our loved ones will continue as they begin to age.

Dear friends, God inspired this psalm to give us a great sense of hope in Him from birth to the grave. His love and care are wonderful. Our mouths should be filled with His praise. Our words should point those around us to the protective love of our God.

As you take time today to pray for those in need, may you rejoice in the care of God.

Friday, February 7, 2014



Psalm 70
1 Make haste, O God, to deliver me!
O Lord, make haste to help me!
Let them be put to shame and confusion
who seek my life!
Let them be turned back and brought to dishonor
who delight in my hurt!
Let them turn back because of their shame
who say, “Aha, Aha!”

David’s request for help from God is certainly a recurring theme in the psalms. As you know, these verses are inspired by God, and they were sung by the children of Israel. As I reflect on this, all I can conclude is that life is continually difficult, and that we need to cry out to God, and that He is pleased with our dependence on Him.

Although we go to God, over and over, presenting our difficulties, He is not disturbed or displeased with us, for the Lord desires for us to be totally dependent on Him.

Here, David is approaching God with urgency. Isn’t it encouraging to know that we can cry out to the Lord in our need, admitting openly our discouragement or weariness?

God is pleased for us to trust in Him completely.

May all who seek you
rejoice and be glad in you!
May those who love your salvation
say evermore, “God is great!”
But I am poor and needy;
hasten to me, O God!
You are my help and my deliverer;
O Lord, do not delay!

These words of David show us what kind of attitude and demeanor should accompany those who truly go to God with their burdens.

As one seeks God, there should be a sense of rejoicing and gladness. What are these reactions based on? Surely not in expectation that all the problems and difficulties will be solved immediately, but because we know that our God hears us and cares for us.

We certainly have a great privilege to be able to go to the God of the universe, the One who holds everything in His hands, and place our burdens on Him. We know His character and are certain that it is perfect; we know His wisdom and know it cannot be surpassed, we know His power and we know it’s unmatched, and we know His love that cannot be lost. How could we forget the undeserved privilege we have in our relationship with Him?

His children know the reality of being saved. We love the assurance and peace it gives us, to be right with God and know that His Son was given for us: our eternal peace at Christ’s great expense. It will be our joy to forever proclaim that “God is great”!

David continues, reflecting on his present state: he is poor and needy. He is certainly poor in his character, for he is a sinner. He is poor in his wisdom, for he does not know all things; he is poor in his power, for his enemies are overwhelming him. He is certainly needy! What a contrast with Who God is!

The more we reflect on our state, the more we should be overwhelmed by the immense privilege we have in knowing the Most High God!
David ends with an earnest plea. He needs God’s deliverance, and desires His intervention soon!

Dear friends, as we go to our great God, may we not forget the privilege we have to freely ask Him for help; may our demeanor and words reflect this understanding, and may our dependence upon Him be complete!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014



Psalm 69:16
            16 Answer me, O LORD, for your steadfast love is good;
                        according to your abundant mercy, turn to me.

As David goes to God there no spirit of demand, he knows that God’s dealing with him is always good. God has shown His love and His mercy over and over. God’s love is so wonderful because it is based on His faithfulness. His love is eternally perfect. He chose to love us when we were His enemies; He knew exactly how much it would cost Him and how unfaithful we would be.

His mercy is abundant! He has shown us mercy from the beginning and will continue to prove Himself merciful; we will never exhaust His provision.

 At times it is useful to reflect on the kinds of behaviors that expose an attitude of demand.

When we complain, when we are bitter, and when we are angry, in reality we are saying that we deserve something different from what we have received, that in some ways we are being treated unjustly.

David had looked at men for reprieve and had found none. His concern at this point is that God’s reputation would be honored. All men knew that he was dependent on God and that his life brought attention to his God.

David’s pain is real and he is looking for a solution.

Psalm 69:29
            29 But I am afflicted and in pain;
                        let your salvation, O God, set me on high!

Pain is real! People know how to wound our hearts and souls. This world is so full of sin and hatred that it is impossible to live here without suffering. We should not be surprised.

Some people with unbiblical thinking have equated God’s blessing with a life without any problems. Biblically, however, a blessed life is one lived with faith in God’s eternal purposes, in the midst of temporary trials. All of our difficulties and trials will certainly end when we meet our Savior face to face.

Psalm 69:30-33
            30 I will praise the name of God with a song;
                        I will magnify him with thanksgiving.
            31 This will please the LORD more than an ox
                        or a bull with horns and hoofs.
            32 When the humble see it they will be glad;
                        you who seek God, let your hearts revive.
            33 For the LORD hears the needy
                        and does not despise his own people who are prisoners.

God is not looking for rituals, but He desires the sincere praise of those who recognize who He is and are satisfied with His provision. Thankfulness is the result of a heart that recognizes the hand of God. When one knows the character of God and has experienced His love, then He will truly be grateful.

The praise of God’s children will be an encouragement for those who observe it.

Dear friend, have you stopped to reflect on how your attitude and demeanor affects those who observe you? We should be more aware of what people are learning about God by watching our lives.

Is our God worthy to be praised?
Is our God wise in what He does?
Is our God really in control?
Is our God showing mercy to us?
Does our God have eternal purposes that we care about?
Is God protecting us?
Is God providing what we need?

These questions are clearly answered in all the conversations we have, in the attitudes we portray, in our responses…

If the Word of God is not feeding us, then we will not be able to respond correctly to the difficulties and pains of this world. If we are not in the fellowship of godly men and women, it will be difficult to stay correctly focused.

Psalm 69:34
            34 Let heaven and earth praise him,
                        the seas and everything that moves in them.

May we faithfully please and praise our God! 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014



Psalm 69:1-3
            1 Save me, O God!
                        For the waters have come up to my neck.
            2 I sink in deep mire,
                        where there is no foothold;
            I have come into deep waters,
                        and the flood sweeps over me.
            3 I am weary with my crying out;
                        my throat is parched.
            My eyes grow dim
                        with waiting for my God.

Oh have you felt this way? Have you come to a place where you melt that the problems were assailing you and there was no way to stop them? When every step made you feel like you were going to fall and there was no place to grab on? When the waters were still advancing with no hope of stopping them? When your tears were dried up and your voice was gone from crying out? When even the hope in God was growing deam?

David begins with simple words: Save me o God!

Maybe he did not even know what that salvation would look like. Have you come to the place where you did not even know what to hope for? The enemies were too many and too powerful.

Psalm 69:4
            4 More in number than the hairs of my head
                        are those who hate me without cause;
            mighty are those who would destroy me,
                        those who attack me with lies.
            What I did not steal
                        must I now restore?

He is not sure even of what he did, even though he knows he is a sinful man.

Psalm 69:5
            5 O God, you know my folly;
                        the wrongs I have done are not hidden from you.

As I read this I am reminded that I should never forget my sinful state. How foolishly I sin. As I look back on my sin, at times, I am even surprised of how foolish I have been. God has seen all my actions, He knows my motives, in fact He knew what I would do even before I entertained the idea.

Even at this time David’s concern if for the reputation of his God and for those who see him go through this time of heavy trial.

Psalm 69:6
            6 Let not those who hope in you be put to shame through me,
                        O Lord GOD of hosts;
            let not those who seek you be brought to dishonor through me,
                        O God of Israel.

Oh I know that my actions would be different if I was more conscious of how my actions bring consequences not only on myself but also on others.

David knows that many are speaking evil against him. He knows that he has been concerned for God and His house. Now he desires God to intervene.

Psalm 69:13
            13 But as for me, my prayer is to you, O LORD.
                        At an acceptable time, O God,
                        in the abundance of your steadfast love answer me in your saving faithfulness.

Why would David come to God? What would he appeal himself to?

His prayer is to the LORD, the creator and sustainer of all. The One Who has everything in His hands. Nothing escapes Him, all is ordained by His perfect and eternal will. He knows that God is loving; His love is unchanging and abundant. The LORD dispenses His love faithfully. He loves to save. He is faithful to His promises. His timing is always perfect.

How different is God from us. Our love is imperfect and changes easily. Our love is measured and limited. We are so unfaithful. Our power is limited. Our awareness of the situations is limited to our personal point of reference.

Are you going through a difficult time? Then there are some questions you should ask yourself.

Am I looking to God alone for help? Is He the one I depend on?
Am I willing to trust the LORD’s timing?
Do I really believe He is loving?
Am I aware of the abundance of His love?
Do I trust God’s purposes?
Do I believe that God is faithful?
Am I concerned on how my behavior effects what people think about God?
Am I concerned with how I affect the faith of those who watch me?

Dear friends the way we answer these questions will affect the way we behave today! They will affect our thoughts and our attitudes.

Our prayer must be centered on God Himself. We are so blessed if we know Christ and have been transformed by His love and by His death and resurrection. May our life be visibly different!