Psalm 73:1-3
1 Truly
God is good to Israel,
those who are pure in heart.
2 But
as for me, my feet had almost stumbled,
steps had nearly slipped.
3 For
I was envious of the arrogant
I saw the prosperity of the wicked.
Have you struggled with the prosperity of those who do not
love God? Have you wondered why even those who mistreat you seem to get away
with it and do well? As they prosper, they become arrogant and demeaning toward
believers. These kinds of feelings are not new at all. The psalmist makes
observations about his struggle, in verses four through nine. There was a risk
of turning against God.
Psalm 73:10-15
10 Therefore
his people turn back to them,
find no fault in them.
11 And
they say, “How can God know?
there knowledge in the Most High?”
12 Behold,
these are the wicked;
at ease, they increase in riches.
13 All
in vain have I kept my heart clean
washed my hands in innocence.
14 For
all the day long I have been stricken
rebuked every morning.
15 If
I had said, “I will speak thus,”
would have betrayed the generation of your children.
The author expresses his thoughts: that he was wasting his
time, that being faithful was almost not worth it. How easily we can get caught
up with these subtle temptations to wonder if it is worth it to be honest, when
the world is a place where dishonesty and arrogance are rewarded. When the
wicked have the upper hand, how and where do we find help?
Psalm 73:16-17
16 But
when I thought how to understand this,
seemed to me a wearisome task,
17 until
I went into the sanctuary of God;
I discerned their end.
Left to our own thoughts, finding an explanation will be
difficult and the more we dwell in human terms, the more bitter and discouraged
we will become. WE MUST GO TO GOD! Only in His Word we will find help. Only by permeating
our minds with eternal thoughts can we find peace.
I have struggled, as I watched dear friends, faithful to the
Lord, become ill and suffer. I have had difficulty, as I watched believers lose
their job and struggle financially because they would not participate in evil
situations or lie for their superiors. I have also wondered why faithful
servants of God have had to struggle through family difficulties and hurt. The
author of this psalm had resolved to trust God.
Psalm 73:23-26
23 Nevertheless,
I am continually with you;
hold my right hand.
24 You
guide me with your counsel,
afterward you will receive me to glory.
25 Whom
have I in heaven but you?
there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you.
26 My
flesh and my heart may fail,
God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
The author does not look elsewhere for help. What a beautiful thought: that God is holding his right hand. He listens to God’s voice and knows that even if all in his earthly life fails, he will still be received in glory by God. His God is in heaven; no one else matters. Nothing is more important; earthly things do not attract his heart. He might lose all and even die, but he loves his God and there he will find his strength.
Dear friend, are you tempted to let the temporary overshadow
the eternal? Your heavenly father is holding your hand, He is leading you home.
And all during this journey home, He is transforming you more and more into the
image of His son.
During dark times, many are tempted to meditate less upon
God’s Word, and think more about the difficulties of life, or to spend more time
alone, than with their brothers and sisters in Christ. Don’t do that! Don’t let
the favorable circumstances or prosperity of the wicked rob you of the joy of
holding the hand of God and the privilege of calling Him ‘Father’!
Psalm 73:27-28
27 For
behold, those who are far from you shall perish;
put an end to everyone who is unfaithful to you.
28 But
for me it is good to be near God;
have made the Lord GOD my refuge,
I may tell of all your works.
The wicked will not prosper forever, and their end is sure!
Will you and I, like the psalmist, wholeheartedly believe that what is good is
to be near God? Even though we might face difficulties, God is not far. He is
our only safe refuge and we must proclaim His goodness to all those around us.
Yes, it is very possible that today you will witness the
reality of wicked people who prosper, but you can also live the reality of the
loving care of your Father in heaven.
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