Thursday, April 4, 2013


Does God really know me?
Does He know what is best for me?
Does He know how to take care of me?

Psalm 139:1
            O LORD, you have searched me and known me!

As David has recognized the omniscient God who is also omnipresent, and has realized the complete and accurate scrutiny of his life, he now addresses the omnipotence of the LORD.

Psalm 139:13-16
            For you formed my inward parts;
                        you knitted me together in my mother's womb.
            I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
            Wonderful are your works;
                        my soul knows it very well.
            My frame was not hidden from you,
            when I was being made in secret,
                        intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
            Your eyes saw my unformed substance;
            in your book were written, every one of them,
                        the days that were formed for me,
                        when as yet there was none of them.

God is the Creator and the Sustainer of his life. David has to stop and praise His Lord for the intricate work He has done in creation. Life is not the result of nature taking its course, but it is the result of God’s active intervention. Every human being is individually and carefully created.

God’s work started before life ever started, for before we were conceived, we were planned by the almighty God. Not only was our creation planned, but every day of our life was written.

It is an amazing thought that man not only is in the hands of God for his creation but is completely dependent on God for every breath he takes.

Does God really know me? Does He know what is best for me? Does He know how to take care of me? All these questions are certainly answered by these verses. So the question we need to answer is this: how many of our attitudes reflect these truths?

When we think of our life or wonder about our health, are we resting in God’s creative and sustaining hand?  Are we grateful for the way God has made us? God’s works are wonderful; they are perfect; we are exactly the way God intended for us to be!

In a country where abortion is so prominent, can we trust God to be fulfilling His purposes? Obviously, God is never the author or initiator of sin, but He is in control of every life. Every life is in the hands of our all-wise God from the moment of its physical conception.

As I watch many expectant couples in our church, what a relief it is to know that the little life that is being formed within is in God’s total control, and every moment of that life has been planned before the baby was ever formed.

As I watch my children and grandchildren grow, I can rest assured that their lives are in the hands of the almighty Creator God!

God’s intimate knowledge of our lives began before our life ever began! Does this thought amaze you, the way it amazes me? Are you overcome with praise and awe?

The fact that God knew me before I was even formed, and knew everything about me, amazes me. God knew everything I would think or do; He knew every place I would go and He chose to love me!

I am just one of many multitudes in the world, but I am not insignificant to God. I was planned and wanted by God! My life is in His hands, so I can trust Him and have peace!

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