These are the words that continue to roll off the lips of
all those who find out that we just moved to Italy. “I cannot understand”.
Although we have moved to a beautiful country, with great scenery, comforts,
art, food, and people, it just does not make sense to most Italians that one
would leave the USA to come and live in Rome.
Our explanation of the Gospel as the reason we want to be
here does not produce much more clarity, as they believe they are already Christians,
with no real need for any new information about God. For many, it’s the first
time they have talked to “Protestanti Evangelici”, Evangelical Protestants.
They have never heard the simple message of grace, of believing the Bible is
the only authority, and of trusting Christ alone for salvation, without the
need for works or a structured religion to follow.
Do you celebrate Christmas? Many ask us this question, almost
fearful to salute us with “Buon Natale”, Merry Christmas, in their polite
attempt not to offend us. It’s a good question that I would like to answer
with: “We do, but you don’t!” If they don’t know the true meaning of the Gospel,
then how can they celebrate the incarnation of the Eternal Son of God, Immanuel,
God with us, the Good Shepherd, the only Savior?
Have this mind among
yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of
God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied
himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.
And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the
point of death, even death on a cross.
Reflecting on these
events, I must ask myself if I have lost the wonder of the coming of Christ on
earth. Christ left perfection to come and live among men. He had always known perfect
communion with the Father, perfect love, perfect holiness, riches untold,
continuous glory, perfect worship. This is a move that truly does not make any
sense. Man had nothing to offer Him. In fact, all they would offer Him was
humiliation, scorn, rejection and death in the most humiliating form, the
As we approach our Christmas celebrations, we should ask
ourselves if we truly celebrate Christmas. Do we end up celebrating the same
way everyone else does? Are lights, food, presents, family the focus of the
If people are surprised that a couple living in America
would move to Italy, how much more puzzled, surprised and, consequently,
humbled and grateful should we be that God, Himself, would come to earth and
live among us?!
We can only say that we truly celebrate Christmas, if we
remember the coming of Christ to earth and live our days according to these
truths. Knowing Christ should produce a genuine worship of God, driven by
grateful love. It should also produce a selfless love for others - for our
families, our fellow believers, our neighbors, and even our enemies.
Has the fact that Christ left heaven to come on earth been
taken for granted by us? It truly should not be so.
Christmas should remind us that we, too, have been called to
leave our comforts to share the Gospel with those who do not have a clue what
Christmas really means.
As you and I live out our human propensity to complain, we should
remember that Christ left heaven to be born in a manger and live in a city that
was disdained by people in His day. He left the unity of the Trinity to be born
into a family with brothers who did not accept Him. He left perfect eternal
love to experience hate like no one else ever has, He left purity to carry the
weight of man’s sin, and He left eternal life to know death, death on the
cross, He left perfection to know pain. Christ did all of this for you and me!
This does not make sense!
May our Christmas be a celebration of the resurrected Christ,
Who is now honored at the right hand of God! May we purposely point our
families, our neighbors, and our world to Christ.
The world around us might not understand, but may we never
forget the privilege of celebrating Christmas every day of our lives, no matter
what our circumstances are, and to live lives that point others to Christ.
Coming to Italy and leaving the comforts of the USA makes
perfect sense for those who truly know Christ, and desire, with His help, to
live for Him.
Buon Natale e un
Benedetto 2014 a tutti voi!
Merry Christmas and a Blessed 2014 to all of you!
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