Ephraimites, armed with the bow,
back on the day of battle.
did not keep God's covenant,
refused to walk according to his law.
forgot his works
the wonders that he had shown them.
can this be?! Israel had watched God perform miracles, defeat enemies, provide
in miraculous ways, and yet they ignored their God. The evidence for the answer
comes as a clear testimony from God, Himself: they ‘refused’ to obey His law
and they ‘forgot’ His works for them!
psalmist began this psalm by commanding the fathers to teach and transmit to
the children the truth about their God. This instruction cannot be done one
time for all, but needs to be repeated consistently within the family. We tend
to forget easily. God knows this, and commands us to remember and remind others
Deuteronomy 6:4-9
“Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God,
the LORD is one. You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with
all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today
shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and
shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way,
and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your
hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on
the doorposts of your house and on your gates.
command was very clear. The children of Israel needed to love their God
completely and love His words. As they submitted in heart and action to this
command, they needed to do all that was necessary to teach their children His
words and lead their families in attitudes of love and submission to their God.
fathers and mothers, is this a priority in your lives? Have you taken personal
responsibility to teach and guide your families in these vital areas? Obviously,
you cannot teach what you have not learned, and you cannot model attitudes that
your behavior does not show!
many parents believe that their major responsibility is to provide financially
for their children. The Lord does command them to provide for the family, but
that provision was for their needs, not necessarily their desires for particular
wants. Parents today are, many times,
overwhelmed by working to provide for their children far beyond their necessities.
Much effort is placed in providing extracurricular activities like music and sports,
for example. They are certainly good and useful, but are they crowding out the
even more valuable aspect of life, the eternal matters?
this point, it is necessary to stop and assess our own lives.
– Are we taking the time to grow spiritually so that we can instruct our
children in the things of God?
is not a job that we should relegate to a youth pastor or a Christian school.
Although we are grateful for these provisions, it remains our responsibility.
We must take time to grow, for we can only teach what we learn and live. It
must be fresh, the result of an ongoing personal growth.
– Are we living a life that is an example for our family? The use of our time
speaks loudly about what is important to us! Our attitudes expose what is
really in our hearts. Our priorities preach what we love.
parents, we learn on the job! It is important to find others who have done a
good job in caring spiritually for their children and ask them to give us
advice. And God’s Word is full of His principles for teaching our children His
– Is there a need to change? True change can only come through the help of the
Lord. We must repent and truly ask God to reset our ways and priorities.
in our families’ dynamics might not be received well at first; we must take the
time to explain why we are making the changes and confess our shortcomings to
those involved. We need to understand that our neglect has had consequences;
but we must trust God to help us.
the psalmist reminds us that God was faithful to His people. Yes, He expected their
obedience, but He always showed grace to them when they repented and turned to
Him for help.
are so blessed by the fact that God has given us His Word. Reading this psalm
is a powerful and loving reminder to all of us.
is the One who changes lives. We cannot change hearts; but what we can do is be
obedient, ask for God’s help continually, and trust Him for the results! Men,
you must remember that you are the ones to whom God has given the responsibility
to lead in this way! We certainly don’t want our families to forget God!
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