Psalm 89:1-4
I will sing of the
steadfast love of the LORD, forever;
with my mouth I will make
known your faithfulness to all generations.
For I said, “Steadfast
love will be built up forever;
in the heavens you will
establish your faithfulness.”
You have said, “I have
made a covenant with my chosen one;
I have sworn to David my
‘I will establish your
offspring forever,
and build your throne for
all generations.’” Selah
The writer is praising the
LORD and making sure that all generations know his God.
The eternal Creator God,
the One who sustains all, had made a promise that could not be broken, because
it was based on His own faithfulness.
God had promised that the
kingdom of David would be established forever. His reign would never cease.
We know that this promise
was fulfilled when David’s descendant, Jesus Christ, came to earth. We have the
privilege of worshipping the King of Kings!
Mark 15:1-2
And as soon as it was morning, the chief priests
held a consultation with the elders and scribes and the whole council. And they
bound Jesus and led him away and delivered him over to Pilate. And Pilate asked
him, “Are you the King of the Jews?” And he answered him, “You have said so.”
How wonderful it is for us
to know that Jesus is King forever! Jesus will reign forever, based on His
faithfulness and not ours. We fail so often, but we are assured of His
Philippians 2:9-11
Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed
on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every
knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue
confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
We have the privilege of
confessing that Christ is King. But notice that this confession implies a response
in our lives. We must bow.
What does this mean?
We must bow in reverence.
Our lives should exemplify that we recognize that Jesus is God and that His
character is majestic and perfect. He is holy! As we recognize that, we can
only have the same reaction that Isaiah had:
Isaiah 6:1-7
In the year that King Uzziah died I saw the Lord
sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and the train of his robe filled the
temple. Above him stood the seraphim. Each had six wings: with two he covered
his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew. And one
called to another and said:
holy, holy is the LORD of hosts;
whole earth is full of his glory!”
And the foundations of the thresholds shook at the
voice of him who called, and the house was filled with smoke. And I said: “Woe
is me! For I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst
of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the LORD of
Then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his
hand a burning coal that he had taken with tongs from the altar. And he touched
my mouth and said: “Behold, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken
away, and your sin atoned for.”
As we approach the Eternal
King, we can only recognize our utter unworthiness to be in His presence and
the incredible privilege we have of calling Him our king.
It also means that He is
our Lord!
Too many professing Christian
are satisfied with calling Christ their king, without humbly submitting their
lives to Him as their Lord, their Master.
No one who has no desire
to submit to His reign and obey His commands can truly worship the Lord Jesus Christ.
Yes, we rejoice that our relationship with Christ is based on His faithfulness,
but we must also fully acknowledge Him as our Lord.
1 John 3:9-10
No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for
God's seed abides in him, and he cannot keep on sinning because he has been
born of God. By this it is evident who are the children of God, and who are the
children of the devil: whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God,
nor is the one who does not love his brother.
What a privilege we have, to know and worship the
eternal King, but let us not forget that our lives must be different from those
who do not. May our witness of changed hearts be clear, and cause others to
praise God.
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