Friday, January 31, 2014



Psalm 68:19
                19 Blessed be the Lord,
                                who daily bears us up;
                                God is our salvation. Selah

David continues this psalm, reminiscing about the ways that God has taken care of Israel. God was working in their lives daily; He was the one who saved them from every foe and every danger.

Dear friends, has God changed? Does He still care for His own? Is He the one who saves? Is there a day when He does not meticulously care for us? Is there a day when we are left to fend for ourselves? Is there a moment when our enemies have the upper hand? The answers are obvious. So do our minds rule our emotions, or are our feelings feeding our fears?

Can anyone of us ever lengthen our days? Who holds our health in His hands?
Can anyone provide for his needs apart from God’s loving and careful provision?
Can we control the behavior of our enemies, or even our friends? Are we able to thwart any attack from those around us?
Can we control the weather or the dangers that come because of natural events?
Can we protect our loved ones, as they deal with the difficulties of life? Can we be shields against their hurts?
Can we order the direction of our countries or governments? Or the use of our money, when we are taxed?
Can we prolong the life of our loved ones?
Can we control our neighbors?
Can we control the behavior of our spouse or the future of our children?

These are the things we worry about, although we know the answer to these questions is, “WE CANNOT”!

If we can’t, then who can? Even that answer is not complicated: only God can!

Does He have a perfect character that we can trust? Does He have the wisdom to make the right decisions? Does He have the power to do what He wills? Does He love us enough to do what is best for us? Even now, the answer is emphatically “YES!”

Psalm 68:32-35
            32 O kingdoms of the earth, sing to God;
                        sing praises to the Lord, Selah
            33 to him who rides in the heavens, the ancient heavens;
                        behold, he sends out his voice, his mighty voice.
            34 Ascribe power to God,
                        whose majesty is over Israel,
                        and whose power is in the skies.
            35 Awesome is God from his sanctuary;
                        the God of Israel—he is the one who gives power and strength to his people.
            Blessed be God!

David took the time to remember, and God inspired him to write this psalm so that, as the children of Israel sang the song, they, too, would remember!

Dear friends, are you like me? Do you tend to forget who your God is? Did you trust Him for your eternal destiny and now fail to trust Him daily?

There are many questions today that have easy answers, but they expose difficult realities. We struggle in our lives. God is not surprised; He is so aware of it that He had David write this psalm for our benefit. Don’t gloss over it. Meditate upon the truth of His wonderful care for you! God cares for each of you individually, and He is totally aware of all you need.

God is awesome! If you take the time to meditate on God, you will be overwhelmed by His love and care. And if you are not, then you probably don’t know Him.

I want you to know that if God has blessed you, He wants you to be a testimony for Him. If someone has been used to encourage you, it would be great if you let him know. We need to learn to show gratitude to God and to those whom He uses in our lives. It might help them deal with the difficulties of life and turn their attention to their God, too.

Our hearts should be actively expressing what David wrote as he ended this psalm…Blessed be God!

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