Tuesday, August 8, 2017




Psalm 91:1-2
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say to the LORD, “My refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust.”

What a wonderful promise and privilege it is, to be in communion with the Most High, the Almighty, the LORD, and our God. When the Jewish people read these names, they were immediately reminded of the honor and privilege it was for them, to be protected by their God, who had no match. The Most High reminded them that there were no other gods that could even compare to Him. They lived around people who had multiple divinities, but they worshipped the only true God. The Almighty reminded them of the unmatched power of their God. Jehovah reminded them that God is self-existing: that He is eternal and does not need anyone or anything. He alone is the I AM. Elohim reminded them that God is triune and one.

As they remembered these qualities of God, they were overwhelmed with the reality of being able to abide in Him as their refuge and fortress.

What a privilege it was for the children of Israel, to be able to call God their God. As they reflected on who God was, they realized that this was an immense privilege. Approaching such a holy, exclusive, and powerful God was indeed amazing.

And what was amazing for Israel, should be for us, as well. The children of Israel called God their God. When we say “my God” do we realize the privilege we have? Do we remember that the only reason we know the true God is because He graciously revealed Himself to us? Do we marvel at the reality that we can approach God only because He made a way for us to do that, through Jesus Christ? Do we take the time to remember and honor God’s marvelous attributes?

Why do we fear? Why do we complain? Why do we look in other places? Why do we ever fail to trust God?

As we read the psalm, we are reminded that God is faithful, that He is the vindicator, He is the protector. It is illogical for us not to trust Him.

The writer had resolved to trust in God and to find his shelter and protection in Him.

Dear friends, I realize that life is hard. We deal with physical, financial, relational, and work-related problems. And at times, we are placed in situations that have no human solution. Where can we go, if not into the arms of our gentle and loving God?

Where else would we go?

Many had followed Jesus for a time, but abandoned Him when difficulties came.

John 6:66-69
After this many of his disciples turned back and no longer walked with him. So Jesus said to the Twelve, “Do you want to go away as well?” Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God.”

His true disciples were learning that following Jesus had eternal value. They believed that Jesus was the Son of God, and that what He was offering was far beyond the temporal miracles that had attracted the others.

When we find ourselves becoming unhappy and disappointed, there is a real danger that we have lost view of what is eternal.

May we live each day fully aware of the privilege we have of being protected and cared for by the Almighty God, and may our lives be motivated by this eternal confidence!

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